Comments on (905) 453-5941

Spam Score
0 complaints this year, 3 total complaints

0 complaints this year, 3 total complaints

Search Results for (905) 453-5941

Names found on this computer

Vanderlaarse, J


11 Lowes Ave, Brampton, ON L6X 1J4, Canada


1 older records found on this number.

Last Found

April 2012

Other Formats

/(905) 453-5941

Comments on (905) 453-5941

Sample complaints we have found for (905) 453-5941


This person called my house this morning march 17 at 10:17 asking for a particular name.  I asked him what is name was & he kept asking for the same name.  I think I must have asked him for his name 3 or 4 times and he never wanted to give me his name so I did not tell him who I was either & if he had the right phone number.The phone number (905) 453-5941) comes up on your phone, but it shows up has PRIVATE NAME.  Well not sure if this person was trying to do a scam, but when you go on this phone number comes up has a residence number and this is the information that comes up (Type: Land Line, Provider: Bell Canada):J Vanderlaarsehome11 LowesBrampton, ON L6X 1R8(905) 453-5941When you call that number it is a fax machine that picks up.




This person called my house this morning march 17 at 10:17 asking for a particular name.  I asked him what is name was & he kept asking for the same name.  I think I must have asked him for his name 3 or 4 times and he never wanted to give me his name so I did not tell him who I was either & if he had the right phone number.

The phone number (905) 453-5941) comes up on your phone, but it shows up has PRIVATE NAME.  Well not sure if this person was trying to do a scam, but when you go on this phone number comes up has a residence number and this is the information that comes up (Type: Land Line, Provider: Bell Canada):

J Vanderlaarsehome
11 Lowes
Brampton, ON L6X 1R8
(905) 453-5941

When you call that number it is a fax machine that picks up.

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