Comments on (613) 533-2222

Spam Score
0 complaints this year, 12 total complaints

0 complaints this year, 12 total complaints

Comments on (613) 533-2222


Posted on January 14, 2020
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Canada
Caller: This is Queen’s medical team.

I got a call from them too but can’t call that number have to call their office. Hope this helps!
I had to investigate too and it did say Queen’s university but they are of a medical nature their fore call then back. Many cheers to all.
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Sample complaints we have found for (613) 533-2222




Ok this number (613) 544-2222 is a dial out only number from Queens college.


Yes - it's the general outgoing number from Queen's.  If the number is blocked for caller ID, it shows up as 533-2222


they keep calling wth


I returned the call...says the number is disconnected but I also thought it was Queen's University.


Got a call from them Dec.4. at 8:25 pm. I didn't pick up.

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