Comments on (519) 963-2079

Spam Score
0 complaints this year, 13 total complaints

0 complaints this year, 13 total complaints

Comments on (519) 963-2079


Posted on March 27, 2018
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Canada
Asked if I had any employees. I said no. They said sorry for calling.
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Sample complaints we have found for (519) 963-2079


got a call from this umber tonight, no one answered...


they asked me how to pronounce my last name


(519) 963-2079 called us around 5pm.  They asked for me by name, we accidently hung up.  They called back twice and didn't leave a message.


The call display said "Out of Area".  Exactly one week ago at about the same time I received a telephone call from (519) 963-1301.  I believe that was a specific employee purposely harassing me.  Tonight when they called from (519) 963-2079 they hung up.  I believe both of these telephone numbers are connected to this one person.  I believe both calls originated from Windsor, Ontario, (including LaSalle).

jane smith

Great lakes lawn care!!!!!!


i got a call from this number tonight as well (519) 963-2079 and then from (519) 914-5349 minutes after each otheri have no idea who they are ..i'm not answering and they are not leaving a message

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