Comments on (204) 415-5761

Spam Score
0 complaints this year, 2 total complaints

0 complaints this year, 2 total complaints

Search Results for (204) 415-5761

Names found on this computer

Lachose, Merceline


552 Sherbrook St, Winnipeg, MB R3B 2W8, Canada


1 older records found on this number.

Last Found

April 2012

Other Formats

/(204) 415-5761

Comments on (204) 415-5761

Sample complaints we have found for (204) 415-5761

C Bruin

Eugene Begoin, a representative of Index Media Autos, he did see my truck for sale on autotraders. He asked specific questions about the car. He was willing to sell my truck for me for a 300 dollars flat finder fee. He specifically asked for my Mastercard number to put an authorization on it. I asked for some personal information in return, while having the card in my hand. I did receive the web address, which is ; when googling the company it became clear that the caller was a scammer. See 770-9667, however Phone numbers given:+1 800-495-1287 and (204) 415-5761. He promised to email me the details as soon as I confirm the deal.

C Bruin

Eugene Begoin, a representative of Index Media Autos, he did see my truck for sale on autotraders. He asked specific questions about the car. He was willing to sell my truck for me for a 300 dollars flat finder fee. He specifically asked for my Mastercard number to put an authorization on it. I asked for some personal information in return, while having the card in my hand. I did receive the web address, which is ; when googling the company it became clear that the caller was a scammer. See 770-9667, however Phone numbers given:
+1 800-495-1287 and (204) 415-5761. He promised to email me the details as soon as I confirm the deal.

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