Comments on (778) 918-2815

Spam Score
0 complaints this year, 5 total complaints

0 complaints this year, 5 total complaints

Comments on (778) 918-2815

Sample complaints we have found for (778) 918-2815


I am authorized Reseller from Microsoft and find disgusting that people like this guy sell pirated software; Not even if they had a developer accout at MSDN could sell these Microsoft Apps so cheap. BEWARE OF ILIGITIMATE SOFTWARE SCAMS. They don't offer the support, reliability and benefits from Licensed Software


He sold me counterfeited software. destroyed my computer


Excellent Computer Service  .. He fixed My computer ..I'm happy with his service ..He is expert in apple products ,,,However one of his competitor want to make him look bad ..Otherwise he good guy ..I recommended his service .


Right, sure Lila, I believe you...honest I do!!!


SCAM ALERT: This guy DESTRYED my computer with his fake non working software. Avoid this loser.

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