Comments on (705) 524-8700

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0 complaints this year, 4 total complaints

0 complaints this year, 4 total complaints

Search Results for (705) 524-8700

Names found on this computer

Canadian Diabetes Assn


1639 Lasalle Blvd, Sudbury, ON P3A 1Z8, Canada


1 older records found on this number.

Last Found

January 2015

Other Formats

/(705) 524-8700

Comments on (705) 524-8700

Sample complaints we have found for (705) 524-8700


Phoned me Oct. 1, 8:42PM with Unavailable Name and breathed heavily in the phone about three times and hung up :0


Your number is dialed by a computer at The Canadian Diabetes Foundation offices in Sudbury. The operator hears a beep and is supposed to assume there's a person there and start talking. If they don't hear the beep they don't start their appeal.  If your phone rings three times the auto-dialer figures you aren't there and moves to the next number. If you pick up the phone then, you get a dead line. (most likely it was your own breathing through the phone mic)  When the equipment realizes there is no connection it releases your line (click!)  At least with THIS number there isn't anything nefarious or nasty. I believe they are looking for used clothing donations.


Just wanted to know who was calling, it has happened a few times Thank you


Continuously receiving calls.

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