Comments on (705) 479-6631

Spam Score
0 complaints this year, 9 total complaints

0 complaints this year, 9 total complaints

Comments on (705) 479-6631

Sample complaints we have found for (705) 479-6631


We have received phone calls from this number numerous times but we have not been home to answer. No message is left.



Betty, the "Boopster"

I have received two phone calls in the past week from (705) 479-6631 on my cell phone...I have no clue who is calling or messge, just an impolite hang up...It is a number in Canada...I live in GE and have a FL phone number...


I think his name is Steve. He is a mortgage broker with a very old list of numbers and possibly an auto-dialer. I suspect the auto-dialer because whenever he calls I laugh at him, talk in silly voices, repeat everything he says, call him all kinds of names, insult his mother and he more or less sits there and takes it. But he will call back a few weeks later to get more insults and expletives thrown at him. What a dumb-a**.

Seriously -I told him I was too busy to talk because I was having sex with his mother. He said she was dead so I told him I'm a necrophiliac and I dug her up. He was STILL trying to make the sale. This guy is such a loser it's funny!! (His mom isn't dead btw.)

Swear at him, call him names, tell him his mama makes you pancakes. Tell him you hope he gets face cancer. Tell him his semi-retarded sister wants him to start paying child support. He seems to like it. And he's too slow-witted to come up with a decent comeback.

When it's no longer fun to insult him over the phone -tell him the person he's trying to reach is dead. That worked with all the other mortgage losers that kept calling a few years ago.

Have fun.


i am on do not call reg


Whoin the hell is this? How did they get my #, Are they afraid to identify themselves,YEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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