Comments on (613) 947-6513

Spam Score
0 complaints this year, 4 total complaints

0 complaints this year, 4 total complaints

Comments on (613) 947-6513

Sample complaints we have found for (613) 947-6513


Actually, this is the number to the Privacy Commissioner's Office in (or near) Ottawa, Ontario.Cheers.




Bob Hopkins keeps leaving me messages but won't say why he's calling or the company he's calling from due to privacy issues(?)  He also leaves a +1 800-282-1139 number.  When this number is called you are prompted to call another number 1014578# which appears to be a scam according to other comments.  I've never heard of anyone not being able to leave their company name due to privacy issues.    Anyone else been bothered by this idiot?


Actually, this is the number to the Privacy Commissioner's Office in (or near) Ottawa, Ontario.


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