Comments on (613) 794-1779

Spam Score
0 complaints this year, 1 total complaints

0 complaints this year, 1 total complaints

Comments on (613) 794-1779

Monica Fekete

Posted on June 26, 2021
Caller type: Other
Location: Canada
Caller: Frauds

Saying the same things that they are falsley accusing me of. Kindly remove my private information from your site, you are putting my life in danger, as well as allowing lies posted about my number.
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Monica Fekete

Posted on June 26, 2021
Caller type: Other
Location: Canada
Caller: Researching my Number on the internet

It appears that someone is making/posting false information about my number as well as me calling them and why etc., when these are all numbers I have never placed calls to or texted and I also do not scam people - I have a good idea who the one or two people possibly hiring someone to post and make these false comments/claims is, and why - as they are horrible people with huge moral and ethical issues who prefer to not go under oath. I am getting many spam calls like those listed RCMP fraud etc requesting SIN# etc, tax fake companies, screaming people, hang ups, empty calls. So it is surprising to see the false claims that my number is making them vs receiving them - I thought I would look up my number and see what/if something comes up - I can not believe that I found it on here and with these untruthful false comments. I Guess unethical people didn't like that I found their number linked to another person all over the internet and thought they'd be funny or get revenge on my discovery of their potential undisclosed activity by lying about my phone number here - If you know me - you know this is a scam taken too far on me, why does it not surprise me from all the crap they have put me through. I wonder how much money these anonymous people were paid off to made to make these lying posts? Kindly delete my number and information from your bank - I have a hater out there - and I am sick and tired of more than half my lifetime of his bullsh*t. Thank you for your cooperation.
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Monica Fekete

Posted on December 30, 2017
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Canada
monicaottawa27 @
Monica Fekete
32 Bartley Crescent
K2J 2J7
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