Comments on (604) 482-3100

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0 complaints this year, 26 total complaints

0 complaints this year, 26 total complaints

Search Results for (604) 482-3100

Names found on this computer

Bc Lists


8278 Manitoba St, Vancouver, BC V5X 3A2, Canada


1 older records found on this number.

Last Found

January 2015

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/(604) 482-3100

Comments on (604) 482-3100

Sample complaints we have found for (604) 482-3100

The Rabbit

For several years I've given $ to this charity that uses the donations to purchase books for sick/injured...(hospitalized??) children; but I'm not so sure it's as 'legit' as I'd like to think. A word of warning to those of you who don't want to commit to their 'cause' for the long term; they'll call you every year for as long as you use the phone number at which they reach you. I hope that I'm wrong, and that kids DO benefit from this becauseI've been giving ~ $45 per year for close to ten years.


Reading the previous messages, I now realized that I have been a ''fool'' (for 3 years)  believing the caller wanted money for CHILDREN'S BOOKS. I had been asking for receipts to no avail !!!! My husband took the call today asking who was calling and could he take a message. Their comment: '' Will call another time " Fortunately I have a call display and decided to check the number to find these comments.  Waiting  for the next caller.  Thank You.


For a few years now I have been called by this charity. I have donated twice and the last time I got an invoice/receipt that stated in fine print that it was not a registered charity so there'd be no tax receipt or something like that. I was called in December and told that now they'd only be calling every two years...would I like to increase my donation to, presumably, cover the two years? They suggested an amount that was about 4 times more than I was willing to donate (can't remember the exact amount). I said I couldn't afford what they suggested. The woman hesitated but said whatever I could donate would be fine. I got the invoice/donation sheet in the mail that had the amount of $175 or something like that in the "please pay" box. I was so annoyed I didn't send any donation. I've been receiving calls every single day for weeks that never leave a message. I would like to know whether this is a legitimate charity.


*Children's Safety Study Books*

Harold Janzen

they keep calling and I don't want them to call anymore


How do I get them to stop calling?

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