Comments on (519) 620-0918

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0 complaints this year, 9 total complaints

0 complaints this year, 9 total complaints

Search Results for (519) 620-0918

Names found on this computer

Ontario Federation-cerebral


1111 Franklin Blvd, Cambridge, ON N1R 8B5, Canada


1 older records found on this number.

Last Found

January 2015

Other Formats

/(519) 620-0918

Comments on (519) 620-0918

Sample complaints we have found for (519) 620-0918


What sort of charity they are doing ?Simply disturbing our afternoon nap !!What a rubbish type of Non-Profit Organization.


I get their calls EVERYDAY, more than once. so far, they have called twice today.

only thing is, when i pick up, they DONT SAY ANYTHING....ever.....its always silent. So what is the point? i just picked up and put it on speaker to let them hang up.

i understand they are trying to raise money....but annoying people like this isnt the way. i dont know what to do either...


Yes, they definitely call your number every month  for charity


I have been getting calls from this number for about three monthes now.  In May they two or three times and I asked that they stop calling.  It went to once a week in June.  I stopped answering.  Now they are calling every day, sometimes two or three times in one day.  I don't mind giving to groups like this but I don't want to be bullied in to it!




What sort of charity they are doing ?
Simply disturbing our afternoon nap !!
What a rubbish type of Non-Profit Organization.

Do you have a comment about Ontario Federation-cerebral or (519) 620-0918?

Do you have a comment about Ontario Federation-cerebral or (519) 620-0918?