Comments on (506) 229-3459

Spam Score
0 complaints this year, 2 total complaints

0 complaints this year, 2 total complaints

Comments on (506) 229-3459

Sample complaints we have found for (506) 229-3459


Some info about 506 area codes
Recently the 506 area code has become synonymous with scammers trying to steal credit card numbers. The scammers pose as a company whom someone has a credit card with (without saying which company). The scammers then ask for your credit card number (hoping that you only have one card and that they won't raise any suspicions). Research suggests that the entity (or entities) that are doing this scam often change their phone number to another number in the 506 area code as there have been over one hundred different phone numbers from the 506 area code complained about as a source of this scam. It is also possible to fake an area code, but given the number of different 506 area code phone numbers that have engaged in this scam in the past, it is most likely that the scammers are centered in New Brunswick. If you do not know someone in New Brunswick, then it is probably smartest to not pick up any calls from the 506 area code.


Some info about 506 area codesRecently the 506 area code has become synonymous with scammers trying to steal credit card numbers. The scammers pose as a company whom someone has a credit card with (without saying which company). The scammers then ask for your credit card number (hoping that you only have one card and that they won't raise any suspicions). Research suggests that the entity (or entities) that are doing this scam often change their phone number to another number in the 506 area code as there have been over one hundred different phone numbers from the 506 area code complained about as a source of this scam. It is also possible to fake an area code, but given the number of different 506 area code phone numbers that have engaged in this scam in the past, it is most likely that the scammers are centered in New Brunswick. If you do not know someone in New Brunswick, then it is probably smartest to not pick up any calls from the 506 area code.

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