Comments on (438) 807-3151

Spam Score
0 complaints this year, 5 total complaints

0 complaints this year, 5 total complaints

Comments on (438) 807-3151


Posted on October 8, 2016
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Canada
This is an other stupid web site with prank calls generator:
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Sample complaints we have found for (438) 807-3151


twice and it's a prank block it


Reçu un appel de ce numéro , ça disait moi aussi qu'il y avait une fraude sur ma carte de crédit, 1500$ d'un site porno. J'ai simplement raccroché


I was called at 10:47 p.m.. In good French an adult male voice did most of the talking . A female spoke at the end. Details re $1500 credit card costs , etc., were the same as above but no probing questions were asked. Not even a good prank ..if it is not fraud!


J ai reçu un appel d'un livreur de pizza! un grand rire a la fin et ça a raccrocher. SVP, ayez une vie bande de l'osier


it's from this site

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