Comments on (438) 800-0437

Spam Score
0 complaints this year, 18 total complaints

0 complaints this year, 18 total complaints

Comments on (438) 800-0437

Sample complaints we have found for (438) 800-0437


Got a call today (in Toronto) at 9:10 EST. Didn't pick up and they didn't leave a message.

tam deathstars

I got this called and yah idk who it was i dont answer to strangers and hide numbers but who called it to confirm that i reseved something or ?


I am also on the do not call list and have submitted a complaint to the CRTC.  Her is the link to submit a complaint.


Moi je ne répond pas d'habitude aux numéros inconnus. J'ai répondu et des que j'ai entendu "congratulations" j'ai raccroché.Ensuite j'ai rentré le numéro dans mon filtreur d'appels chez mon fournisseur voip. Ça ne sonne plus chez moi et ça renvoie à un message disant qu'on accepte pas de sollicitation téléphonique.Answered, hungup, filtered it with my voip provider. It will send them to a recorded message telling them that we dont accept any phone sollicitation and hangs up.Case closed. (Until they start using à new number... :/. )

F. Jone

don't want this call

Jean Claude

Just received a call from them. It is their second call. They say:"You have been selected to receive..." and I hung up.  My number is on the No call list. So their call is against the law.  This nuisance call is the sure way for me not to do business with them.

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