Comments on (403) 450-0110

Spam Score
0 complaints this year, 29 total complaints

0 complaints this year, 29 total complaints

Comments on (403) 450-0110

Sample complaints we have found for (403) 450-0110


This abonent calls a few times without leaving any messages




This # calls 2 times a day and leaves no message.


Dear God, if you're trying to get through to me through a telemarketer, try another method, this one won't work.

Annoyed again!



Total scam. They called us and asked for my husband by name. When I asked who was calling, he said, "A charity." When I asked which one, he said "Uh, the National Don't Do Drugs Foundation?" Since it sounded too ridiculous to be true, I passed the phone to my husband thinking it was a friend playing a joke. They asked my husband for a donation of either $100 or $200; I convinced him to hang up.

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