Comments on (905) 521-9082

Spam Score
0 complaints this year, 27 total complaints

0 complaints this year, 27 total complaints

Search Results for (905) 521-9082

Names found on this computer

S P Data Capital Corp.


110 King St W, Hamilton, ON L8P 4V3, Canada


1 older records found on this number.

Last Found

January 2015

Other Formats

/(905) 521-9082

Comments on (905) 521-9082

Sample complaints we have found for (905) 521-9082


These people called me & they want to find out your personal information. DO NOT GIVE THEM ANYTHING!!!! They are a scam! However, I did some research & found out that they are from a company called - SP DATA RESPONSE MANAGEMENT

Here is there website -

The CEO's name is - Dan Plashkes (extension 5701) at the TORONTO Office (416) 915-3300 or
Mobile: (619) 318-7000

Please give this A-HOLE a call & bother him!!

1835 Yonge Street
Suite 500
Toronto, ON
M4S 1X6
(416) 915-3300

110 King Street West
Suite 500
Hamilton, ON
L8P 4S6
(905) 645-5610

1500 West Third Avenue
Cleveland, Ohio

201 Lomas Sante Fe Dr
Suite 310
Solana Beach, CA
Caller: (905) 667-2626


Correct. It's just the automated dialler - most of those have delays and the agent can't always catch the call on time. But I've worked there for a few months, and haven't noticed any ethical breaches, haven't been told to lie, and have been told we'll be fired if we misinform customers. I could care less about workplace gossip. That happens everywhere. And as many of the trainers, supers, and QC people are women, I don't feel discriminated against at all. I'll let you know if that changes, but I just don't see it.

Aberdeen WA

SP Data Capital called and said they were from Qwest. I asked them not to call again...we will see if that does any good.


SPDATA IS THE BIGEST SCAM COMPANY EVER!!!!!!!!!!!I know because I use to work for them.Agents work long hours, and half the time, we don't get pay checks.Theres a lot of crap going on there. One of the bosses got a representative pregnant so they had to fire her. They don't treat women with respect. The place is unclean. People spread rumours and stuff about eachother everyday.Also they have had MANY clients in the past stop working for them because they SCAM custtomers.THEY PLAY WITH THE CALL RECORDINGS!!! they edit it to make it look like you agreed to something you didn't!!!THE AGENTS LIE TO YOU ON THE PHONE.


Please don't call again.


905--521-9082   Sp Data Capital Corp 110 King St. W. Hamilton ON. L8P 4S6  This is where calls come from !

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