Comments on (905) 444-9871

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0 complaints this year, 2 total complaints

0 complaints this year, 2 total complaints

Search Results for (905) 444-9871

Names found on this computer

Clark, S


36 Muir Crescent, Whitby, ON L1P 1B6, Canada


1 older records found on this number.

Last Found

April 2012

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/(905) 444-9871

Comments on (905) 444-9871

Sample complaints we have found for (905) 444-9871


(905) 444-9871*Stephen Clark is a FAKE [***]. I have dealt with may real estate people in the past. However the worst person i ever came across in my life is a person that lies about the property he sold to me and my husband. But never have i met a person that was such actor,that was so full of themselves who told us big fat lies just to make a sale. We found out things about this person's past that he sells and SMOKES DRUGS, he also's SEXUALLY MOLEST his  3 children and BEAT his children and his DOG..This person and his Wife had numerous bouts with CHILDREN'S AID SERVICES in DURHAM.. I don't think its right to lie about his wife's fake INSURANCE CLAIM ACCIDENT to support the family. This person tired to lie to the insurance bureau of Canada and tired to sue and WON a settlement of $750,000, and then tired to sue them again for $1MILLION but lost :( because of his wife's fake next injury was caught doing neck exercises  investment turn-around . I don't think its right to sell a person, with children a house on contaminated radioactive soil . I don't think its right to lie about not telling the buyer that the house used to be a grow-op. I don't think it right to not tell the buyer that the person passed away in the house for weeks??? I would never recommended STEPHEN CLARK OF 36 MUIR DRIVE IN WHITBY,ONTARIO is nothing but a show off and a Liar...and his wife is a UGLY FAT WALRUS froma crime ridden corrupt country HONDURAS. Don't trust a fake agent that fake shark teeth agent that is in love with a losing football team The Buffalo Bills....This guy is a little  [***]!!!///STAY AWAY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!    


(905) 444-9871 Steven Clark ex-remax agent, has past convictions of molestation & violence towards his own children and illegally distributing child pornagraphy out of his home 36 Muir Cres whitby,Ontario

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