Comments on (613) 746-4633

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0 complaints this year, 17 total complaints

0 complaints this year, 17 total complaints

Search Results for (613) 746-4633

Names found on this computer

Canadian Diabetes Assn.


45 Montreal Rd, Vanier, ON K1L 6E8, Canada


1 older records found on this number.

Last Found

January 2015

Other Formats

/(613) 746-4633

Comments on (613) 746-4633

Sample complaints we have found for (613) 746-4633


They've been calling me too....looked it up....this is what I found....Probably looking for donations, if you have donated before....Hope this helps... :)Canadian Diabetes Association45 Montreal Rd, Vanier K1L 6E8, Ontariop: (613) 746-4633


i wish they'd stop disturbing me

Stephanie Berthelet

I too have been called almost daily from this number with message,and no one on the line so I searched it - The Canadian Diabetes Association number came up.  I understand the negative impact it has on people (me included) and how badly it reflects the CDA as a whole.  As a mother of a young daughter with type 1 diabetes I am saddened about the bad practices of the CDA clothesline segment of the CDA which undoubtedly paints the entire association in bad light.  The CDA has researched and published many educational materials for parents, schools and caregivers of children with type 1 diabetes.  They also do outreach to newly diagnosed families, among other beneficial practices.  The work that the association as a whole does has been invaluable to our daughter and family as a whole.  I write this only to highlight that the Canadian Diabetes Association does very important and life-saving work and the practices of the clothesline division of this association does not reflect the good work that the CDA does as a whole.  I will be contacting the CDA over the annoying perpetual calls and voice my concerns on the impact they are having on the association as a whole.

Helga Lavigne

Keep getting calls from (613) 746-4633 almost daily. Name unknown but someone definitely hangs up after listening to me say "hello" several times.


This person calls often and does not say anything or leave a message.
This is quite annoying and would like it to stop.


I think it is the Canadian Diabetes Association Clothesline calling to see if you have items to donate. They take used items to Value Village stores and receive some of the proceeds.

Do you have a comment about Canadian Diabetes Assn. or (613) 746-4633?

Do you have a comment about Canadian Diabetes Assn. or (613) 746-4633?