Comments on (519) 652-1538

Spam Score
0 complaints this year, 6 total complaints

0 complaints this year, 6 total complaints

Comments on (519) 652-1538

Sample complaints we have found for (519) 652-1538


This phone number, as of this date is being placed from Lambeth, Ontario.  Lambeth is part of the city of London.  Maybe worth a drive out there... I'm sure getting the address would not be too difficult. There are several sites, for a fee, that would supply it for you.


You're bs too.  I've learned nothing more by coming to this page.... just an annoyance.




Calls at least twice a day and doesn't leave a message. When I try calling back all I get is hang ups and busy tones.


I have had similar calls from (519) 652-1538, so has my dad.
My dad has a Life Alert call system and they will tie the phone line up at all times of the day and evenings. If he has a heart attack the system will not be able to call out this could be life threatening


I have had similar calls from (519) 652-1538, so has my dad.My dad has a Life Alert call system and they will tie the phone line up at all times of the day and evenings. If he has a heart attack the system will not be able to call out this could be life threatening

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