Comments on (418) 863-6202

Spam Score
0 complaints this year, 15 total complaints

0 complaints this year, 15 total complaints

Comments on (418) 863-6202

Sample complaints we have found for (418) 863-6202


I'm in Laval-Ouest.Since October 13th, they call me everyday. The worst, when I picked up the phone there is no one.



Ben M.

Very annoying calls from this newspaper company that begg you to subscribe with them.


*Here in Laval-Ouest (near Montreal), Quebec*Those f***s don't even have the decency to talk when I answer, they only speak when it's my girlfriend, there's like a 10 second silence the time (I imagine) the other person judges they won't be able to close a sale on me.

Ginette C

For the last 2 weeks, I do receive 2 calls a day and naturally when I answer there is nobody at the other end....I am just pistoff whit that f... calls.  It is the 4th time tonight that I call back leaving a message to remove my f... number from the f... list and nothing happended so far.Is there any way I can have my number remove???


They call every night!  Made complaint to Bell.

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