Comments on (416) 646-8801

Spam Score
0 complaints this year, 106 total complaints

0 complaints this year, 106 total complaints

Comments on (416) 646-8801

Sample complaints we have found for (416) 646-8801


This number calls ALOT. Hangs up everytime. When you call it back it either rings and then is silent or you get a busy sigal. What do we do about this?


The f***#$s keep calling me. When you call back there is busy signal.Send in the army and smash these bi****s!


The CRTC should shut these people down!

Sharon Bell

called and hung up


they called me at 10 this morning. Good thing I was up. Didn't get to the phone in time though because I was taking a piss.


Its Toronto Sun asking if you want to repeat your script of the Sun paper. Theyare persistant!

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