Comments on (416) 525-0000

Spam Score
0 complaints this year, 12 total complaints

0 complaints this year, 12 total complaints

Comments on (416) 525-0000

Sample complaints we have found for (416) 525-0000


This number called into my business line, left a message that digitally deteriorated/distorted at the end.  It seems that it is a VOIP number.  I returned the caller's message and it was a legitimate inquiry.


Within the last 24 hours I posted that (416) 525-0000 was an internal Voip Line for IQor Canada.  In actuallity further reseasrch by myself (Sjip Tracer Extrodinare) has been able to confirm that (416) 318-0000 is an internal voip line for a collection agency known as Total Credit Recovery Corp. @ 225 Yorkland Avenue Toronto ON M2J 4Y7In the Province of Ontario Collections Agencies and there Collectors have to be licensed and have to Identify themselves - Should you receive any additional calls from this number then might I suggest you contact Susan Reiner with the Ministry of Consumer Services Debt Recovery Branch (416) 326-8800 and lodge your complaint accordingly.


YO, they just called our department, which has an extention (!).  No message.Weird.


also call me at work. Did not leave a message. Anyone know who this could be and what the reason they would be calling.Thanks


I don't understand why you are associating (416) 318-0000 with the original number (416) 525-0000?? You say they are a collection agency, yet fail to establish the connection between the two numbers.


I called my own toll free number using my bell mobility cell phone, the caller id on my tollfree number show this number.  Seems like a generic cell phone outbound number

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