Comments on (416) 446-0063

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0 complaints this year, 137 total complaints

0 complaints this year, 137 total complaints

Comments on (416) 446-0063

Sample complaints we have found for (416) 446-0063


This is not a do not call site. For the National DNCL site (Canada), go to


One of the rare #'s when you call back it's actually them.

Clearly, it's a rogue call centre or calling staff that's trying to meet a call quota, and their strategy is to call me, provide dead air, leave the line open from their end as long as possible, and get paid for it all. Just another problem that we've created in our world, and actually paying people for it.


I live in Richmond Hill.Called me 4 times in a week.Every time I answered there was someone on the other side but didn't say anything. Very annoying.


Its recycling matters. They come and pick up used clothes and books and other items that can be distributed to people in need.

Over the years I've donated a lot of stuff.

Unfortunately, the last few times they've called and made arrangements no one has appeared at my house to pick up the stuff they asked for.


They are a registered charity, perhaps, exempt by law from teh DNC List.  YOU can kindly ask them to remove your number from their list and, maybe, they might.


Try to understand what people are telling you ... if you call us 10 times and we do not answer, we do not want to deal with you ... if only we all had fancy phones where we could block thousands of these pestering numbers so that we do not hear a ring at all

We do not care if it is your job or not ... if you know your company called us several times already, not to mention every OTHER company doing the same thing, then you cannot expect us to be all happy about it ... when I have a cold and want to sleep in, I get awoken several times and can't rest ...same as after a long day at work where I deal with clients who also yell at me, I want to relax when I get home ... if I see you called me several times that day and then call me in the evening when I need to get dinner on the table, chores done etc., and you call me AGAIN, do not expect me to be nice

and when I say "you call me"  I mean your company ... all these companies care about is making a quota, and do not care if we are busy or sick or just tired ... you make us run for the phone and when we get there, there is no ID on the phone and half the time no one answers... I do not care if your dialler takes a while to get to you... why are you making that MY problem?

Give this feedback to you bosses ...tell them what you read here ... we do not answer because we are not interested.... and by the way, not putting the organisation's name on the display when you call is a violation of the CRTC terms and they can get a huge fine ... I am one of those people who reports organisations like yours for violations ... just because you call yourself a charity does not mean that you can bend the rules.

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