Comments on (403) 251-9924

Spam Score
0 complaints this year, 5 total complaints

0 complaints this year, 5 total complaints

Search Results for (403) 251-9924

Names found on this computer

Latter, Ian Bruce


75 Deerview Terrace SE, Calgary, AB T2J 7C1, Canada


1 older records found on this number.

Last Found

April 2012

Other Formats

/(403) 251-9924

Comments on (403) 251-9924

Sample complaints we have found for (403) 251-9924


Automated system has called repeatedly claiming to have a "one-question survey". They do not identify themselves, so you cannot get yourself removed from their list.


Same here. They've called my unlisted home line 3 times this week. No message. A reverse search on lists it to a home in Calgary, but doesn't seem right.


Automated system has called repeatedly claiming to have a "one-question survey".
They do not identify themselves, so you cannot get yourself removed from their list.


This number (403) 251-9924) has called my unlisted home phone every day for two weeks, waits for answering machine, hangs up with no message, random times day and evening.
I had thought is was a personal harassment type call, but seeing as others have received calls from this number, I guess it is something else.


This number (403) 251-9924) has called my unlisted home phone every day for two weeks, waits for answering machine, hangs up with no message, random times day and evening.I had thought is was a personal harassment type call, but seeing as others have received calls from this number, I guess it is something else.

Do you have a comment about (403) 251-9924?

Do you have a comment about (403) 251-9924?