Comments on (905) 695-5537

Spam Score
0 complaints this year, 188 total complaints

0 complaints this year, 188 total complaints

Comments on (905) 695-5537

Sample complaints we have found for (905) 695-5537


They just called was crackely, and no one picked up. I've had people call me for duct cleaning before though...could be same guy.

fet up

i also receive daily this number (905) 695-5537. It is annoying.
i don't answer, and they never leave a message.


I just spoke with a friend who is a legitamite telemarketer and just an FYI for you all... In Ontario it is illegal to call after 9pm. So if they call after then press *57, this will flag the call so if you decided to contact the police they could find the infomation. I will do this for the next few days and then I am going to the police!


I just received a call from (905) 695-5537 and they woke up my sick child.  They call all the time .  Is there nothing we can do?????


Yah they just called me and hung up and now i cant get through same thing constant busy


Hi,I've received several calls from this Metro Home Services Air duct Cleaning.  Recommendation is to go on -line at the CRTC website and keep reporting them.  The more the better.

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