Comments on (905) 499-2836

Spam Score
0 complaints this year, 22 total complaints

0 complaints this year, 22 total complaints

Comments on (905) 499-2836

Sample complaints we have found for (905) 499-2836


Windows and Doors telemarketer.  Don't waste your time.


call each day. caller ID says Factory I start answering " thank-you for calling Factory Direct " how many I direct your call?

Had enough

Name now appears as "weather p."It was "a.w." a while ago. Annoying


just got a call from this number. someone asks for me then someone else wants totalk   i just hung up.

joanne galego

Have told them repeatedly to stop calling me but they still continue.  Is there any purpose for writing this or will something be done?


Proven way to stop these calls......Answer, speak immediately so the computer will transfer to a live person. Then have fun with it, tell them you are so interested, but keep doing things, like answering doorbell, getting pen and paper, getting credit card. The more you can waste that live person's time (and wages) will get you off call lists faster than any "do not call" list. I do this, and they never call again, and I have rarely been getting new calls. Hit them where it hurts, the wallet.

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