Comments on (778) 565-1042

Spam Score
0 complaints this year, 37 total complaints

0 complaints this year, 37 total complaints

Comments on (778) 565-1042

Sample complaints we have found for (778) 565-1042




6 missed calls today from (778) 565-1042 and several over the past few days... who is it?

Dave T

You can add (778) 565-4499 to the list of phone numbers from these guys.
They just called with the old "Im in the area" etc

I took down the name etc and said I might call them later then I checked right away on Google and found this thread.

I just spoke with an elderly woman in my building and she got caught by someone saying they were from Eatons Fireplace Service and were doing business in and the building so she fell for it even though she should have known that we get our fireplaces done every two years by a reliable company and it comes out of our maintenance fund.  Thanks God others in the building that were called told hem no as it ended up costing her over $800.00 by the time he was done because he told her that things needed replacing that most likely didn't.  

There are enough good companies around, never get caught by a phone solicitor.  Make sure that you tell them to take you of their list and tell them that they will be reported to the BBB and the police.


I've received several calls from PGHS. Some of the calls came from different numbers. For example. (778) 565-1042, (778) 565-1392, (778) 565-1410 and (778) 565-1306. When I was around to answer the phone ((778) 565-1410) they told me they were from Pro Group Home Service. I told them to take my number off their dialing list now! We'll see what happens.


This company is not a Scam.The BBB reports only what people say; not based on factual evidence.

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