Comments on (514) 871-2606

Spam Score
0 complaints this year, 2 total complaints

0 complaints this year, 2 total complaints

Comments on (514) 871-2606

Sample complaints we have found for (514) 871-2606


I received any calls in the same week..... No response and don't talking


Someone from that number called on behalf of Bell Sympatico. The rep is apparently calling from BoxVata on behalf of Bell to offer a package for my Internet service (note that my current contract is expiring quite soon... Presented the call to see if I am paying the least possible for my service. Started off as a general survey on my Internet. If this is legit, it looks like Bell is trying to get me to extend my contract). Knows my name, but I am having trouble verifying the company identity online. Calling back gives an automatic message that does sound like Bell though... Cannot send an email confirming the conversation details, but recommend I'd speak to a Bell rep or go on the website, if I prefer direct contact with Bell, at least.

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