Comments on (506) 801-0082

Spam Score
0 complaints this year, 3 total complaints

0 complaints this year, 3 total complaints

Comments on (506) 801-0082

Sample complaints we have found for (506) 801-0082


Have u ever heard of call block? Then u will never see or hear from the number again & you won't have to go online to TRY TO FIGURE OUT WHO OR WHAT THEY WANTED..We live in a time of Smartphones & Dumb ppl


Called and left no voice message.


OK, Ron...1. Yours is the FIRST post for this number, so you entered the number yourself.2. You are on this web site searching for/entering numbers.3. We live in a time of idiots like you. MAJOR IDIOTS.Why don't you go away and find something useful to do.

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