Comments on (506) 422-0111

Spam Score
0 complaints this year, 1 total complaints

0 complaints this year, 1 total complaints

Comments on (506) 422-0111

Sample complaints we have found for (506) 422-0111

Hippity hop mad

this alien has called at least 8 times and starts off with has anyone in your family ever had medical surgery?The first time, I thought it was a real survey, but sincethen he has called and called and sometimes it saysnumber unavailable, but I recognize the Indian type ofdialect.This last time I told him to put me on the DO NOT CALL listand hung up.. the other times in between, I did not answer as it said Number Unavailable.Don't these people have a life worth living, anywhere at all?Is this how they spend their lives, calling strangers withstupid surveys that go nowhere?Has everybody gone insane out there?

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