Comments on (437) 836-0404

Spam Score
0 complaints this year, 5 total complaints

0 complaints this year, 5 total complaints

Comments on (437) 836-0404

Sample complaints we have found for (437) 836-0404

Received Call

He said his name is Fernando Ferrara asked for my address and hung up without saying anything to me.




I am getting harassing messages from this number from a lady.  She clearly has the wrong number as my credit is clear and do not owe money to anyone. I told her to stop calling yet she continues every day even after business hours and on weekends.  Please find out who these people are and shut them down as it is obviously a phony business trying to take people's money.Thank you


Ouch :D


The same guy (Fernando) called me today and when I asked him to mind his own business he hanged up.

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