Comments on (418) 476-7995

Spam Score
0 complaints this year, 12 total complaints

0 complaints this year, 12 total complaints

Comments on (418) 476-7995


Posted on January 7, 2013
Caller type: Prank Call
Location: Canada
Call twice and left me a msg that me and my wife didnt understand. But id call me cell companie to make a complain
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Sample complaints we have found for (418) 476-7995


same for me.. very dirty


Got a call, some random person pulling some prank in French.


Received a call from that guy from Qc saying  " stop calling this number, you really have nothing to do. You called me 5 times already etc. " in French  and them laughing and hang up a**hole!  Anyway   Don't really care juste though I should  tell you.


Je viens tout juste de recevoir un appel (28 juin 2012).  L'homme se faisait passer pour un voisin et se plaignait du désordre sur notre terrain.  Il disait qu'il y avait des jouets d'enfant qui trainait partout sur notre terrain ainsi qu'un vieux véhicule rouillé.  L'appel s'est terminé abruptement par un rire de l'interlocuteur


Same, but this person was telling me in French with an English accent that they were suspending my Facebook account for pornography. The message was pre-recorded.


Tes gay

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