Comments on (416) 979-7575

Spam Score
0 complaints this year, 12 total complaints

0 complaints this year, 12 total complaints

Search Results for (416) 979-7575

Names found on this computer

Future Executive Personnel


425 University Ave, Toronto, ON M5G 1T6, Canada


1 older records found on this number.

Last Found

January 2015

Other Formats

/(416) 979-7575

Comments on (416) 979-7575

Sample complaints we have found for (416) 979-7575


They keep calling every day and hanging up. What can I do??

Susan Clark


FEP Search Group

Good Recruiters are always aggressive. Yes they call you every day if they have a job for you but I was job hunting so was glad to hear from them. I can only speak for their Toronto office though - very professional and smart group of recruiters. It seems like all of us were asked to post here by FEP Search Group but frankly as a job seeker I'm happy to do it because they are a really good firm and there is no scam here at all.


FEP like Sterling Life Sciences are SCAMS.  They use multiple metatags to cover a very broad range of industries such that when you use the search term "nutraceutical" in, it returns over 600 positions.  All are exact duplicates - verbatim - listed in multiple cities and extremely vague.  The only way to move forward is to follow their "CEO" on his Twitter - so really, he just wants to fluff his narcisistic feather by building a large following.  I have reported them and hope that others do as well.  If there are any good reports on these companies, it was undoubtedly authored by themselves.  They are ruining the purpose of the job search engines.  Scam artisists....

Susan Clark

FEP Search Group is a good recruiting firm and I disagree with the abusive comment above, it should be removed. Everyone who is in any way intelligent understands that Recruiters serve their clients, not the job seeker.  I was looking for a Sales Director position and applied to 5 jobs via FEP Search Group. They turned me down 4 times. So? The fifth time I got an interview and I turned FEP down! So should FEP Search Group get angry at me? No.

They are an excellent executive recruiting firm, that is the bottom line, because they are connected to everyone in the CPG industry.


Of course it is a scam call - ANYTIME you get a call at on a company landline, and when you say 'Hello', they just hang up, THAT IS CALLED A SCAM - they are using an auto-dialer that hangs up when it doesn't get a voicemail/machine!It's hardly rocket science, folks.And, YES, the call to us was a SCAM - we are in DALLAS, no where near TORONTO, so they can have their employees reply all they want!

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