Comments on (416) 963-8791

Spam Score
0 complaints this year, 2 total complaints

0 complaints this year, 2 total complaints

Comments on (416) 963-8791

Sample complaints we have found for (416) 963-8791

They asking for money !!


They asking for money !!

Dear friend, I have received the phone call from the call display "Ontario Police Public...." with the number (416) 916-0489, (416) 560-4503) the misleads  me that they are on behalf of Ontario Police something, I was in a meeting and I simply told them I may concern to sponsor them, then second day I have received tons of the phone call to chased me to issue the "payment", I've been misleads over the phone call, especially the gentleman who spoke with me over the phone was really dominate,rude, seems I owe a payment and mandatory to pay them back, it's really up set me, i search online for help, I found this site that I can share this story with everyone, please do taking serious consideration before you answer those guys phone call, make sure you knew where is your $$$ goes too, I'm not sure if any law or policy that we can use to protect ourselves, also BELL Canada or Rogers shouldn't even allow them to display the  "Ontario Police Public...." ....Best wishes everyone !

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