Comments on (416) 907-2972

Spam Score
0 complaints this year, 7 total complaints

0 complaints this year, 7 total complaints

Comments on (416) 907-2972


Posted on September 6, 2012
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Canada
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Sample complaints we have found for (416) 907-2972


They hung up on my answering machine.


i got a call from them to and they leave no message. i called back and got an automated message telling me its "Plan Canada". I donated to "Because I am a Girl"
Hope This helps!!


They called my cell today and did not leave a message.


Same thing for me, they don't leave any message. Is there a way to ban them from calling?


i got a call from them to and they leave no message. i called back and got an automated message telling me its "Plan Canada". I donated to "Because I am a Girl"Hope This helps!!

Carrie B

Keeps calling and hanging up on my answering machine. I contacted Plan Canada through their facebook page because I was sure they wouldn't behave this way. Not only did they not write back, I am now receiving even more calls/hang ups. It obviously is Plan Canada and this is how they are. I've never given them money before and I sure won't now.

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