Comments on (416) 900-4681

Spam Score
0 complaints this year, 3 total complaints

0 complaints this year, 3 total complaints

Comments on (416) 900-4681

Sample complaints we have found for (416) 900-4681


These pricks called me at 4:03am... Caller id said anonymous but it went to vm and later my magicjack email said it was from blue dream (416) 900-4684.


Just received call on home phone at 4 am, "Blue Dream" as caller ID.

Stop Mass Media Inc.

Junk fax sent from Mass Media Inc. for Customer's Choice Window's & Doors in Richmond Hill. Keep getting faxes distributed by Mass Media for various Toronto companies, but number changed contantly. They also used the following: (416) 800-1230, (416) 900-4684, (416) 900-4611, (416) 800-2006. So tired of this, please try posting these businesses each time you get a fax or call so that their reputation will take a hit and they will hopefully wise up to using a shady telemarketer.

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