Comments on (416) 840-6550

Spam Score
0 complaints this year, 2 total complaints

0 complaints this year, 2 total complaints

Comments on (416) 840-6550

Sample complaints we have found for (416) 840-6550


This phone is being used by a fraudster attempting to make purchases with fraudulent cheques. Has used the name Terence Gray and a business name of Apex Construction in Vaughan, Ont., which as far as I can see doesn't exist. Yes, I have proof - the $100,000+ cheque was counterfeit.


I am a Fraud investigator for York Regional Police and am investigating similar frauds occurring after receiving a call from this phone #. If you could call me at (905) 830-0303 ext 6622 I would appreciate it as your information must assist me with my investigation. D/C Shayne Mulligan #1359York Regional PoliceMajor Frauds Unit

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