Comments on (416) 780-8448

Spam Score
0 complaints this year, 4 total complaints

0 complaints this year, 4 total complaints

Comments on (416) 780-8448

Sample complaints we have found for (416) 780-8448


Received 5 calls from similar numbers.


OK, here's the deal,THe numbers on your caller ID are not the numbers those people are calling from. Go to and it will explain on a smaller scale how this is being done.IF you are getting this call, especially if you are getting it every day or twice a day you must report this someone. I'm not sure who. The FCC, Police, FBI whoever. BUT make sure to tell them that the number that shows up on your caller ID is not the number they are calling from. BUT BEFore you do that, next time they call get as much information out of them as you can about their company and what they are offering while giving away as little information about yourself as you can. Give them a false name. Ask who you are speaking to/what their name is. What the name of the company is, what their website is called. Ask if you can think about it and can you call them back on this number or a different number.EVen better if you can record the conversation or at least put it on speaker phone so someone else will hear the conversation. Put it all in your complaint.IF you don't report this they will just keep calling you, and they the next person and the next.  STOP THIS B***S*** NOW.that's all I got for now.




OK, here's the deal,

THe numbers on your caller ID are not the numbers those people are calling from.

Go to and it will explain on a smaller scale how this is being done.

IF you are getting this call, especially if you are getting it every day or twice a day you must report this someone. I'm not sure who. The FCC, Police, FBI whoever. BUT make sure to tell them that the number that shows up on your caller ID is not the number they are calling from.

BUT BEFore you do that, next time they call get as much information out of them as you can about their company and what they are offering while giving away as little information about yourself as you can. Give them a false name. Ask who you are speaking to/what their name is. What the name of the company is, what their website is called. Ask if you can think about it and can you call them back on this number or a different number.

EVen better if you can record the conversation or at least put it on speaker phone so someone else will hear the conversation.

Put it all in your complaint.

IF you don't report this they will just keep calling you, and they the next person and the next.  STOP THIS BU***HIT NOW.

that's all I got for now.

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