Comments on (416) 646-2811

Spam Score
0 complaints this year, 71 total complaints

0 complaints this year, 71 total complaints

Search Results for (416) 646-2811

Names found on this computer

Ant & Bee Corp


20 Maud St, Toronto, ON M5V 2M5, Canada


0 older records found on this number.

Last Found

June 2010

Other Formats

/(416) 646-2811

Comments on (416) 646-2811

Sample complaints we have found for (416) 646-2811



Andy S

Very unprofessional


This is a company called Ant & Bee, they go through pages where you have your resume like Kijiji or Workopolis etc. They contacted me about an I.T job, requested information, fill out questions.  Once I did, another person contacted me, asked for the same information.  Then a 3rd, then a 4th, there was never a job after this, this went on for a month.  I stopped answering and they STILL call 2-3 months later.  Big Scam, and all poor english speaking P*** people who mumble and have broken sentences.


Telephone: (416) 646-2811    Fax: (416) 847-0108    Email: inquiries @    Website URL:  Same also but found a fax number and email for these guys, maybe we should load up and fire back my fax is busy sending reverse color every 15 min. asking to be removed from list same with email

Ticked off

No you don't want your resume listed with them.. They are major scammers


Ant & Bee. They should be banned from collecting Workopolis information and then cold calling for a ridiculous job. Waste of time. Someone should complain to Workopolis or have charge Ant & Bee for the waste of time they cause. Had I returned the call, I would have incurred a long distance charge, plus my time, at a time when I am actively seeking employment. Somebody give them a wrap on the knuckles for wasting people's resources.  By the way, they have a website that seems to be just a front without content or password validation.

Do you have a comment about Ant & Bee Corp or (416) 646-2811?

Do you have a comment about Ant & Bee Corp or (416) 646-2811?