Comments on (403) 750-4500

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0 complaints this year, 3 total complaints

0 complaints this year, 3 total complaints

Search Results for (403) 750-4500

Names found on this computer

Shaw Cablesystems Inc


630 3 Ave SW #900, Calgary, AB T2P 4L4, Canada


1 older records found on this number.

Last Found

January 2015

Other Formats

/(403) 750-4500

Comments on (403) 750-4500

Sample complaints we have found for (403) 750-4500


Shaw Communications.  I ignored their first call with a Call Display "unknown name".  A real person called back immediately.  I answer 2nd attempts just to let them know that if they are a legitimate business get a legitimate CD name.

I am reporting this because the caller tried to railroad me into taking delivery of a digital set top box.  I will spare you the can't-get-a-word-in-edgewise-script.  She just would not take "no" for an answer.  I finally had to be quite firm.  I don't need your box.  I don't want your box.  I won't pay for your box!  A less forceful person would have it delivered the next week.

Persistence is fine, but only to a point.  This is not a good way for Shaw to keep customers.  Hint hint.


Shaw Communications.  I ignored their first call with a Call Display "unknown name".  A real person called back immediately.  I answer 2nd attempts just to let them know that if they are a legitimate business get a legitimate CD name.I am reporting this because the caller tried to railroad me into taking delivery of a digital set top box.  I will spare you the can't-get-a-word-in-edgewise-script.  She just would not take "no" for an answer.  I finally had to be quite firm.  I don't need your box.  I don't want your box.  I won't pay for your box!  A less forceful person would have it delivered the next week.Persistence is fine, but only to a point.  This is not a good way for Shaw to keep customers.  Hint hint.



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Do you have a comment about Shaw Cablesystems Inc or (403) 750-4500?