Comments on (403) 524-4854

Spam Score
0 complaints this year, 5 total complaints

0 complaints this year, 5 total complaints

Comments on (403) 524-4854

Sample complaints we have found for (403) 524-4854


The 524 number prefix seems to be the latest money maker for Telus selling numbers to scammers who disregard the Do Not Call list.
Why not drop a note to Chris.Gerritsen @ (Customer Care) and let him know what we think of this practise.  Or, better still, call him at (403) 530-4919 and enlighten him about Telus' less than ethical business pursuits.


The 524 number prefix seems to be the latest money maker for Telus selling numbers to scammers who disregard the Do Not Call list.Why not drop a note to Chris.Gerritsen @ (Customer Care) and let him know what we think of this practise.  Or, better still, call him at (403) 530-4919 and enlighten him about Telus' less than ethical business pursuits.




Feb 22.  Yet another 'no-one there' call.  See also (403) 524-4857


Called three times in the past week. Left it for the answering machine but no message was left by the caller.

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