Comments on (403) 457-4572

Spam Score
0 complaints this year, 3 total complaints

0 complaints this year, 3 total complaints

Comments on (403) 457-4572

Sample complaints we have found for (403) 457-4572


This is a legitimate business is southeast Calgary.  They are also a persistent telemarketer.

November 15, 2010 - First call.  To my surprise, the person who called started by identifying who she was, who she worked for and the nature of the call.  This show of basic business telephone etiquette for a telemarketer is rare.  They're in the furnace servicing business.  I explained I had a new model Trane entering its third heating season, and that it was serviced each year by the company who originally installed it.  Short, sweet, to the point.

February 2nd - 2nd call.  No etiquette this time.  I explained the situation again and asked to have my name removed from their calling list. After 4 minutes of wasting her time, she clued in and assured me my name would be removed from their calling list.

March 28th - 3rd call.  Long story short, I dragged the call out for over 20 minutes.  I was like a terrier on a rat - I just wouldn't let go.  The guy who called passed me over to another person.  I told him if they called again that I would act "Fat, dumb and happy" and they would be allowed to come and "inspect" my Trane furnace.

Blast!  They called my bluff.

April 11th - 4th call.  I clicked the call on, waited 2 seconds and clicked the call off.  (Click-2-3-Click).
This was followed by an immediate 5th call.  I let it go to the A/M.  They chose not to leave a message.

As I pointed out at the beginning of my post, I am sure these folks are an honest and legitimate business.  They need to learn however, that overly persistent telemarketing, especially when asked not to do so, will get you 15 seconds of fame on the Internet.




This is a legitimate business is southeast Calgary.  They are also a persistent telemarketer.November 15, 2010 - First call.  To my surprise, the person who called started by identifying who she was, who she worked for and the nature of the call.  This show of basic business telephone etiquette for a telemarketer is rare.  They're in the furnace servicing business.  I explained I had a new model Trane entering its third heating season, and that it was serviced each year by the company who originally installed it.  Short, sweet, to the point.February 2nd - 2nd call.  No etiquette this time.  I explained the situation again and asked to have my name removed from their calling list. After 4 minutes of wasting her time, she clued in and assured me my name would be removed from their calling list.March 28th - 3rd call.  Long story short, I dragged the call out for over 20 minutes.  I was like a terrier on a rat - I just wouldn't let go.  The guy who called passed me over to another person.  I told him if they called again that I would act "Fat, dumb and happy" and they would be allowed to come and "inspect" my Trane furnace.Blast!  They called my bluff.April 11th - 4th call.  I clicked the call on, waited 2 seconds and clicked the call off.  (Click-2-3-Click).This was followed by an immediate 5th call.  I let it go to the A/M.  They chose not to leave a message.As I pointed out at the beginning of my post, I am sure these folks are an honest and legitimate business.  They need to learn however, that overly persistent telemarketing, especially when asked not to do so, will get you 15 seconds of fame on the Internet.

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