Comments on (403) 307-5739

Spam Score
0 complaints this year, 10 total complaints

0 complaints this year, 10 total complaints

Comments on (403) 307-5739

Sample complaints we have found for (403) 307-5739


message was same as others, from Erica at, posting skank pictures, is what she is telling me. I am a happily married woman, why the feck would I want this sh*te in my phone? What a loser ad campaign.


I got a tex messagesaying just made a profile on www.canadianca it s Erica i putpics on there to.How did they get my number?


who the hell? how did they get my #?

Pissed off!

They sent me a text i don't know them nor do i care!My home cell and work cell numbers are PRIVATEI do not appreciate the nature of these text messages. They are pornographic in nature and this is UNACCEPTABLE!!!!!!


Just made a profile on it's Erica I put pics on there too.


I received this txt at 12:41 in the morning, also there is no reason for these people to be using my number. I am curriouse though as I have just received a letter from the government saying my personal data was on that external portable hard drive that was stolen from parliment so.... who knowsMessage said - just made a profile on it's erica I put pics on there too

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