Comments on (403) 280-9966

Spam Score
0 complaints this year, 6 total complaints

0 complaints this year, 6 total complaints

Search Results for (403) 280-9966

Names found on this computer

Walia, J


Calgary, AB, Canada


1 older records found on this number.

Last Found

April 2012

Other Formats

/(403) 280-9966

Comments on (403) 280-9966

Sample complaints we have found for (403) 280-9966

too bad

Think scooter should get a life. I have had my vehicles sell from these people lots of times.  Perhaps you should stop blaming others for your own problems, and sell your own vehicle. Have a good day.


Actually spike its people like you that should get hit by a vehicle, and take care of your your own problems, with selling your own dam vehicle


Scum bag callers is all I can say. Toobad, too bad for you.

too bad



I hope this Christine (insert C word here) gets hit by a truck on Christmas eve.


Actually Jimmie it is not to bad for me  my vehicles sold from these people and just maybe you should view the other comments of what people have said on the website with their vehicles selling as well.  From the site.  Some people always need a reason to complain, and here is a prime example, Have a nice day

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