Comments on (403) 254-3298

Spam Score
0 complaints this year, 2 total complaints

0 complaints this year, 2 total complaints

Comments on (403) 254-3298

Sample complaints we have found for (403) 254-3298


Recorded message starts off: "The government has come up with a new plan to..." I don't know anything else as I hang up and finally blocked the number.I've received this call daily (weekdays) since February 15th. Am very annoyed as I am paying Telus $2/month for an unlisted number.


Recorded message starts off: "The government has come up with a new plan to..." I don't know anything else as I hang up and finally blocked the number.

I've received this call daily (weekdays) since February 15th. Am very annoyed as I am paying Telus $2/month for an unlisted number.

Do you have a comment about (403) 254-3298?

Do you have a comment about (403) 254-3298?