Comments on (250) 980-3976

Spam Score
0 complaints this year, 25 total complaints

0 complaints this year, 25 total complaints

Comments on (250) 980-3976

Sample complaints we have found for (250) 980-3976


phone call but no one speaks when the call is answered

Rose Balan

Calls have been received from (250) 980-3976. When the calls are answered, no response is forthcoming.

who is this

why and who?

Rusty Buxton

I just called 1-(604) 566-9700, It's the Goerge Abbott Campaign office. They were extermly nice and removed me from their phone list without a problem. We will just have to wait and see if they did remove me lol.

Rusty Buxton

Thank you for the tip


This is the George Abbott liberal campaigne. Here is a number at the Abbott office where you can call and complain.1 (604) 566-9700.

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