Comments on (250) 862-9537

Spam Score
0 complaints this year, 3 total complaints

0 complaints this year, 3 total complaints

Comments on (250) 862-9537

Sample complaints we have found for (250) 862-9537


I have received a call from this number and they said they were from the ministry of education, and i think that our education system is weak so i answered the questions but then after had a very bad feeling about the hole  thing they asked an abundance of "survey" questions including:what i thought about my time in school and if i thought about going to college and stuff like that and then they asked about my job and stuff and thats when i had a bad feeling but being an idiot i answered and then i thought i would do some  research on it and now I'm terrified knowing its a scam! I have no idea what  to do now. So anyone that has any info that could help that would be great!Thanks,




I have received a call from this number and they said they were from the ministry of education, and i think that our education system is weak so i answered the questions but then after had a very bad feeling about the hole  thing they asked an abundance of "survey" questions including:what i thought about my time in school and if i thought about going to college and stuff like that and then they asked about my job and stuff and thats when i had a bad feeling but being an idiot i answered and then i thought i would do some  research on it and now I'm terrified knowing its a scam! I have no idea what  to do now. So anyone that has any info that could help that would be great!


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