Comments on (250) 456-4556

Spam Score
0 complaints this year, 9 total complaints

0 complaints this year, 9 total complaints

Comments on (250) 456-4556

Sample complaints we have found for (250) 456-4556


unknown numberpicked up, recorded message about a 'final courtesy call', press 1.i pressed 1 and got some fellow at a call center and its about amalgamating credit cards. i think its a scam.


This is your final warning about your annual credit card something something

scumbag bastards.


This is your final warning about your annual credit card something somethingscumbag bastards.


unwanted call


asking me to amalgamate my credit cards


unknown number
picked up, recorded message about a 'final courtesy call', press 1.

i pressed 1 and got some fellow at a call center and its about amalgamating credit cards.

i think its a scam.

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