Comments on (250) 452-9987

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0 complaints this year, 3 total complaints

0 complaints this year, 3 total complaints

Search Results for (250) 452-9987

Names found on this computer

Bruce, Brenda


Oak Crescent, Westbank, BC V4T 3A5, Canada


2 older records found on this number.

Last Found

February 2015

Other Formats

/(250) 452-9987

Comments on (250) 452-9987

Sample complaints we have found for (250) 452-9987


If you go to their web site and search, there are barely any cars for sale there.  No one would shop there.  EVERYONE is told that she has two buyers for their car, but NO ONE has ever heard from the buyers after they pay their money!!!  She wants to price mine $1,500 higher, but I can't sell it at the lower price.  She is just preying on people who have had their vehicles listed for a long time, hoping they are desparate enough to get ripped off at the thought of two "approved" buyers.


If you go to their web site and search, there are barely any cars for sale there.  No one would shop there.  EVERYONE is told that she has two buyers for their car, but NO ONE has ever heard from the buyers after they pay their money!!!  She wants to price mine $1,500 higher, but I can't sell it at the lower price.  
She is just preying on people who have had their vehicles listed for a long time, hoping they are desparate enough to get ripped off at the thought of two "approved" buyers.



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