Comments on (250) 448-5994

Spam Score
0 complaints this year, 7 total complaints

0 complaints this year, 7 total complaints

Search Results for (250) 448-5994

Names found on this computer

Deplonty, S


285 Fir Ct, Kelowna, BC V1X 2B8, Canada


1 older records found on this number.

Last Found

April 2012

Other Formats

/(250) 448-5994

Comments on (250) 448-5994

Sample complaints we have found for (250) 448-5994


A girl came around to our neighborhood doing an air quality survey.  Once she asked us a few questions she gave us a slip of paper that would enter us into a draw.  Low and behold I get a call from her saying I won one of the daily prizes and I can choose from carpet cleaning of one room or upholstery cleaning.  Seems fishy.  This is the number she gave me when I told her I wanted to call her back. I'm skeptical.


I just received a call from this girl trying to get in my place to clean the carpet, I don't have any carpets, reported her to the Do Not Call list.




Got a call from this number a few days ago, they said I won a free cleaning of either my carpets, floors, or furniture. It sounded like a scam so I said no but the woman was very persistent. I checked online and found nothing about the company. They must have called me about 10 times within 3 days, finally I answered the phone and told her to not call me anymore. Very weird.


got a few calls from this number?


A girl came around to our neighborhood doing an air quality survey.  Once she asked us a few questions she gave us a slip of paper that would enter us into a draw.  

Low and behold I get a call from her saying I won one of the daily prizes and I can choose from carpet cleaning of one room or upholstery cleaning.  Seems fishy.  This is the number she gave me when I told her I wanted to call her back. I'm skeptical.

Do you have a comment about (250) 448-5994?

Do you have a comment about (250) 448-5994?